Chapter 2710 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep202
- Other than that, dinner had been as normal as possible. She'd grown used to having nearly every single person they passed, male or female, do a double take at her hard nipples beneath the tight white dress, before shifting their gaze to take in Beth's equally blatant display.
- Beth had begun ordering drinks for them as they waited for their table. Ron was relegated to regular iced tea, for having him drunk was really not all that important to her plan. It was Pam that needed a buzz, and Beth made sure to get them something deceptively strong, like a Hurricane or Long Island Iced Tea. By the time they left the restaurant, they'd each had several drinks, and were feeling little pain. Perfect.
- The sun had just set, but the air was still thick and hot. The ten minute walk back to the hotel had them all covered in a sheen of sweat. Passing through the compact courtyard on the way to the office, Beth waited until they were at the edge of the pool, and hip checked Ron into the water, saying, "Oops, sorry Ron, but you looked kind of hot before." She and Pam broke into an intoxicated giggle at Ron's expense, that is until Beth grabbed her friend by the arm and likewise slung her around and into the water before making a show of teetering on the ledge herself and then tumbling in as well.